My guest
tonight is someone I’ve meant to interview for some time, but for one reason or
another I’ve never got around to it. That’s no excuse, because as an American
author with a Dutch heritage she’s a fascinating person to talk to and has a
way with words that makes other authors envious.

thank you, Richard!
It’s all
true, Lynn, but I hope I haven’t embarrassed you too much!
just feeling humbled.
Sorry! You
know, It occurred to me that although I’ve known you for some years, I actually
don’t know too much about you, but that’s so often the way! Can you fill in the
early gaps?
would be happy to. It’s been a pleasure following your career as I grow mine.
And it all started with a simple connection on GoodReads, I think.
I think you
now live in Arizona, but I know you lived in Seattle for many years. How
different do you find the two areas, in the same country, both from the climate
point of view and culture?
I live in Colorado now, I don’t think I could handle the weather in Arizona.
The climate in Colorado is very different from Seattle; it’s very dry here. I
keep asking people if it ever rains because I’m actually missing rain. And
being near water. This is the first time I’ve lived in a landlocked part of the
country/world and it’s taking a little adjusting.
it’s different too. I’m still observing and learning. Boulder, the college town
I live in, is quite liberal and shares many of Seattle’s mindsets, but much of
state, outside of Boulder-Denver is quite rural and has some different
attitudes, so I’d not encountered in person before. A learning experience, for
Sounds a
fascinating place. I read your novella “Tales from the Fountain Pen” last year
and found the premise and story enthralling. It obviously resonated with you,
so I’d love to hear the background to the story and what made you write it.
![Tales from the Fountain Pen by [Hooghiemstra, E. Lynn]](
amazing. Was it an idea , or an event that made you decide to write?
written for most of my life. My first piece was when I was 8 or 9, a poem about
an ant that I gave to my mother for mother’s day. I might actually still have
it somewhere tucked in an as yet still packed moving box. Writing is like
breathing. I think in stories/scenarios, everywhere I go I see potential for
stories. The people I meet are all possible characters.
I think most
real authors feel as you do. I know you wrote a short story for a collection
called “Moon Shot: Murder and Mayhem on
the Edge of Space” which was co-written with another author Jack Bates. Did you
find it easy collaborating on writing?
![Moon Shot: Murder and Mayhem on the Edge of Space by [Bates, Jack, Hooghiemstra, E. Lynn, Tyler, Jeremy K., MacRae, Andrew, Rorhus, Suzanne Berube, Howe, Jeff, Long, Laird]](
How did you
get involved in writing for the anthology of short stories?
to an open call.
As a mum,
when do you find the time to write?
think it was the excellent, and often undervalued, author Penelope Fitzgerald
who said women writers are in essence kitchen table scribblers. We learn to
take what time we can and write wherever we find ourselves. I’ve sat in the
bleachers at swimming or robotics competitions with a notebook, and with one
eye on the action and one on the page. I’ve written in parking lots and on
trains or planes. I’m never without my trusty Moleskine notebook (they’re the
only ones that survive repeatedly being stuffed into bags). On a side note, I
often get pulled out of line at airport security because I have too many pens
in my purse.
Have pen,
will travel! Do you have your own room to write in?
I write wherever I can. I do have a desk in my bedroom right now. As the
offspring and I live in a small apartment as I regain my footing after divorce.
He’s at college most of the time and I’m freelancing for now.
publisher is Untreed Reeds in America. How did you find them, or did they find
found Untreed Reads in one of those Writers books that lists publishers. At the
time they were a very new publisher and eager for writers. I sent them a
manuscript and they liked it. It’s been a good relationship.
far, they’ve published “Tales from the Fountain pen”, “Mayhem on Mars” in the
anthology “Moon Shot: Murder and Mayhem on the Edge of Space” (slated for
re-release in paperback) and under a pen name, “Out in the Dark” by Nicola
Adams. That last one I’m going to produce as an audio book. I’ll let you know
how that goes!
The audio
market is growing fast, so I’ll look forward to hearing how it goes. What book
genre do you like reading and do you have a favourite author (asides from
myself, of course!)?
course, you, Richard.
aside from that my choices in genre change depending on what I’m in the mood
ranges from Science Fiction to Mystery to Thriller to comic books, with a
little non-fiction thrown in there too.
other authors I like are:
Pratchett, Elizabeth Peters, Peter F. Hamilton, James Rollins, Jonathan
Maberry, Herge (‘cause who doesn’t like TinTin?), and at times I dip back into
Agatha Christie too. So, wide and varied tastes.
As an
author, do you prefer eBooks, or paperbacks?
So do I,
though as an author the eBook covers a much larger reading market. I love to
browse through bookshops. Do you?
I could spend hours in a bookshop … and I rarely leave without books!
What do you
feel is the greatest thrill about being an author?
freedom to explore an idea, a story, a time period. To inhabit a different
story for a time and to chronicle that story to share with others.
Lynn, many
thanks for letting me interview you.
you, Richard. It’s been a pleasure.
You can get Lynn's books and stories on mazon at:-