My guest tonight is a Devon based writer of award winning short stories. She has also written textbooks, articles and management reports on the global pharmaceutical industry, as well as being editor of a technical journal. Her latest text-book was published as recently as July 2012 and it’s only in the past 6 years that she has turned to creative writing. Since then she hasn’t looked back. She moved with her husband to the south-west of England for its rich, green scenery, after many years in the arid south-east, and forgetting to ask why the countryside was so green, was a bit taken aback by how wet it is at times. She used to live a secret life as an international jet-setter, but has recently given that up to write full-time. When she grows up, she wants to be a best-selling novelist and live in a cottage with roses around the door. To date, she's got as far as the roses.
Although we know her as Elizabeth Ducie, her friends call
her by her real name of Kate McCormick.
Well, Richard, the
two things happened around the same time, but were probably both factors of
where we were in our lives rather than cause and effect. We wanted a quieter,
less busy, lifestyle leading up to retirement, hence the move to the south west
in 2007. I’d started the creative writing by then and gradually it became more
important to me, until I knew I had to ‘give up the day job’ to concentrate on
the writing.
The move sounds idylic and for the right reasons. I understand you’re taking a degree in creative Writing as a
mature (I hope you don’t mind me saying that!) student. How are you finding it
and is it helpful in your transition towards being a fiction writer?
I agree with you there, that socialising is most important. Did you find your background in text books gave you
discipline in proofing and editing?

It's amazing what people miss of their own work, that an editor will pick up so easily. You co-edit your local community magazine. How did you get
involved and how has it evolved?
That's extremely enterprising. You’re in the final editing stages of your first novel,
which I believe is based in Russia. Can you tell us about the plot?
It is the story of
Gorgito Tabatadze, a businessman in post-Soviet Russia, who battles
bureaucracy, corruption and the hostile climate to build an ice-rink so his
friend’s daughter, a talented skater, will return from USA to train in Russia.
His real motivation is his failure to fulfil a promise to his mother, to bring
home his sister, Maria, who disappeared in the Gulag many years before. Interwoven
with the main action is the story of what really happened to Maria.
It sounds great and a real page-turner! Tell me, where do you get the ideas for your plots? Do they tend to
come from personal experience, or from your imagination?
I often use personal
experience as a trigger for a story, whether it’s an incident I’ve witnessed, a
person I’ve met or a place I’ve visited. That’s why so many of my stories are
set outside the UK. However, the plot will usually spiral off in a totally
different direction. These days, I’m finding living in a small town and being
involved in the community provides all sorts of triggers. I always say I will
write about this town and its characters one of these days — but I’ll probably
have to move first.
We write the stories
individually, and then swap for review and editing. With ‘Trifles’ there was
one of Sharon’s that I didn’t like and one of mine that she wasn’t happy with.
So we found alternatives. We have to be happy with all the stories if we are
going to publish them together.
I have a feeling you self-published your short story
collections. How did you go about that?
Yes, we published
them under our own imprint, Chudleigh Phoenix Publications. In our annual
writing goals for 2011, we both had ‘get some short stories published’. We knew
publishers were unlikely to accept an anthology of short stories, especially
from two relatively unknown writers. Neither of us writes traditional ‘womag’
stories. So we decided to get on and do it ourselves. It meant learning about
all the different aspects of the industry: formatting, printing, ISBNs,
marketing and sales. We quickly found that writing is possibly the easiest part
of the whole process.
Will you self-publish your new novel, or go the traditional
I am currently
looking for an agent to represent me in approaching traditional publishers and
would be delighted if I was able to secure a publishing contract. However, it’s
a real buyers’ market out there and not every writer who deserves a contract
will get one. As you pointed out, I am a bit of a late starter to all this, so
I’ve given myself a deadline to work to. If I’ve not got an agent by the time
that deadline approaches, I will go down the self-publishing route again.
What are you working on at present?
It's good to hear that your Russia based novel won't be a one-off! Did any particular author inspire you and help mould the way
you write?
I’m not sure I can
pick just one. I’ve always been an avid reader, from the days as a child when
my parents would put the latest Enid Blyton in my Christmas stocking every
year. I have very broad tastes but am drawn to story-driven books with plots
that races along, whether it’s Tolkien’s fantasy; crime writers like James
Patterson and Kathy Reichs; or family sagas. I struggled with some of the
literary fiction at college, especially the character-driven books where very
little happens. So I guess this is why I
find writing the ‘what’ and the ‘how’ of a story much easier than the ‘why’.
What one thing would you most like to achieve over the next
five years, Kate?
I would like to
become the best-selling novelist you referred to at the beginning of this
interview (although then I would have to accept that I was finally grown-up!)
It’s been a pleasure talking to you, Kate. Many thanks for
sharing your thoughts and good luck with your forthcoming books..
As Elizabeth Ducie, Kate has her author website at
Life is Not a Bed of Roses is available on Amazon at
Life is Not a Trifling Affair is available on Amazon at
Parcels in The Rain is available on Amazon at
The Chudleigh Phoenix can be found at
As Elizabeth Ducie, Kate has her author website at
Life is Not a Bed of Roses is available on Amazon at
Life is Not a Trifling Affair is available on Amazon at
Parcels in The Rain is available on Amazon at
The Chudleigh Phoenix can be found at