Thursday, 11 April 2013

Publishing and Publishers

It's getting harder and harder to get published these days and trying to approach a traditional large publisher is getting near impossible without an agent.

The numbers are becoming worse with 1,500 books being written for every one that gets published. Whether that's an increase in rubbish books being written or publishers taking less books, I'm not sure, but I certainly count myself exceedingly fortunate to have had the first two novels in the Temporal Detective Agency series for YA published. Links are below and I feel no shame!

To get to the point, which I usually do eventually, I saw a cartoon this morning and I hope the person who posted it won't mind me putting it on my blog. It epitomised in a humorous way the barriers put in an author's way when trying to sell a book.

Blog on Dudes!

Leap of Faith is on Amazon at

Trouble With Swords is on Amazon at

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