My guest tonight is a bestselling and award-winning author of
romantic fiction.
Mandy lives in Wiltshire,
with her husband, Mr Big, her two daughters and two cats, Kravitz and
Springsteen. I believe there may be a guitar or two in there somewhere!
Mandy, firstly many thanks for agreeing
to be interviewed. We exchange comments on Facebook and I met you in
Waterstones in Southampton last year when I bought a signed copy of Strings Attached for my wife. She read
it almost at a single sitting! How did you start writing and have you always
wanted to write romantic fiction?
started writing at an early age always preferring English over any other
subject at school. At senior school I started writing an on-going soap style
novel involving my friends and the celebrities of the time (Italia 1990 England
football squad, New Kids on the Block etc.). Then when I left school my writing
took a bit of a back seat while real boys took over!
me it’s always been romance. I’m a
sucker for it!
Me too in real life! You're so lucky to be able to do what you love. I have to ask, what is the significance
of Milo? The name appears in all your books, though it’s a different character every time.
loves Milo! I get asked about him so much he’s going to become more famous than
That solves one mystery! How do you approach writing a new book
from the point of view of storyline and characters?
sounds funny talking about a new book because I have the blurbs for the next
five novels already part-written so they don’t actually feel new for me
get ideas for novels coming to me all the time and the first thing I have to do
is write the first attempt at a back cover. I can’t settle back into my current
WIP until I’ve done that or the idea is whizzing around in my mind demanding
attention and that’s off-putting!
I’ve been getting my hero first, then the initial plot idea and my heroine
next. I have this one idea that I cannot wait to write and it’s got a fantastic
title (even if I do say so myself) so I might have to bump that book up the
Sounds like a Booker Prize in the offing to me! How do you come up with such great plots
for your books? Does personal and past experience play a part, or do you just
have a great imagination?
that, I haven’t had an affair with a rock star or actually played ice hockey or
entered into a relationship game show but…Mr Big does play guitar and I’ve been
to lots of rock concerts - I do love watching ice hockey - and I have been on
television a good few times now! So I think experience, coupled with a vivid
imagination, is the perfect combination!
And there was me thinking all those great stories of yours were written from first-hand experience! Have you considered writing a sequel to
one of your books, or even a series?
have written a sequel now. In fact I wrote the sequel to my first novel, Excess
All Areas in 2006. It’s called Public Property and I released it myself as a
little Christmas treat in December 2012. Had I not written it shortly after the
first book I’m not sure it would ever have been written. I put so much into a
book I often don’t leave anything for a sequel! I also love creating new
characters and situations in new books.
have a little idea for a series set in a small American town called Jackson
Creek. It’s kind of Dallas meets The Gilmore Girls! So, that’s there waiting
for my attention at some point!
Good luck with developing that as a series. Tell me, who, as a writer, has influenced you
most, Mandy?
yes it’s coming very soon! 4 April! Security is my first crack at romantic
suspense! It’s the story of pop star Autumn Raine and her newly-appointed
bodyguard, Nathan Regan. Autumn has been threatened with kidnap and her mother
(who happens to be the British Foreign Secretary) has employed ex-Special
Forces soldier Nathan to look after her. At first they detest each other!
Autumn’s living a privileged life and Nathan’s from Hull. It doesn’t get any
more different than that! But as they get to know each other their feelings
start to change. Of course this relationship isn’t made any easier with
terrorists popping up, gun fights and paparazzi. What will happen?! You’ll have
to buy a copy to find out LOL!
Wow, it sounds as though it has everything, plus the big finale, which you're going to keep a big secret! You must be very disciplined to write something as complex as that. Do you have a set routine as a writer
and a special place where you work?
What’s that?! I do have a bit of a vague routine I suppose. I try and do most
of my admin in the morning. I answer emails, set up Twitter for the day, check
up on my Loveahappyending Lifestyle and Sapphire Star Publishing writing
and schedule any promotional posts they need for the day. Then about
11.00am I might do my first bit of writing. I say ‘might’ because I usually
have some blog posts/interviews to write over the course of a week so no two
days are exactly the same. I’m lucky if I get two hours of solid writing in
before the school run. But I am quite adaptable. If I think I haven’t written
enough I’ll walk around the house with a notepad and write in any spare second
I get. I have been known to be making dinner with one hand stirring the pan and
writing with the other.
Sue Cook, who I interviewed a couple of weeks ago has one. Lucky lady! Tell me, Mandy, what is the most important piece of
advice you could give a budding writer?
writing! Enjoy it! If you want publication decide which path is right for you
but don’t be afraid to mix and match. Indie and traditional both have their merits.
One last question, Mandy. If you could
achieve one important goal within the next 5 years, what would it be?
do have goals! Lots of them! Do I have to pick one? I would love one of my
novels to get into the Amazon Top 100. Is that naff? Yes, it’s naff! I’d love
one of my novels to be made into a movie and me to be casting the hero and
leading rehearsals *winks*
I think it's a geat ambition and you deserve to make it, Mandy. It’s been a great pleasure talking to you, and congratulations on publishing such a
consistently excellent and readable catalogue of books. I’m sure my wife will
be one of the first to buy Security and
that’ll be a weekend gone!
Mandy’s books are available on all
internet retail sites and can be linked to from her website at
Mandy’s new book Security is due out on
4th April 2013